Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Preparing for Years to Come

After removing the engine we decided to drag the red pickup closer to the garage and used an air compressor to blow all the years of dirt and rust out of the engine bay. The previous owner seemed to have oil undercoated the truck routinely so even after being on the road for thirty-one years its still very solid.

As you can see almost every surface has a shiny oil coating
To try and protect the truck even longer I figured now would be a great time to coat the entire front of the truck with oil while everything's exposed. We filled up the spray gun with used motor oil and started coating all the components made of steel to slow down and even block rust. I did this for a good hour and reached every nook and cranny that I could find. I plan on going back on Wednesday and even spraying another coat of oil down and to get any places that I might have missed. I'll also spray the rest of the body and frame too to ensure maximum coverage.

My Uncle Bryan and I stopped to take a pic
Taking the time to do the little steps like this are key to having the vehicle be able to survive another 30 years and it was surprisingly simple and I had a fun time learning a new skill!

Me spraying oil on the pickup

1 comment:

What a Relief!

This weekend was the big day... taking off the wooden bed. Taking off the bed exposes most the frame and most of the components in the rear ...