Monday, May 11, 2020

What a Relief!

This weekend was the big day... taking off the wooden bed. Taking off the bed exposes most the frame and most of the components in the rear end making it a lot easier to work on everything. Now that I purchased a new metal bed for the truck I can sell the one that was on it. Someone had a listing on craigslist about wanting to buy a wooden bed for a Toyota Pickup so I replied and he's gonna come check it out soon.

When I bought the truck the seller, who is a good family friend, claimed the frame was rock solid. I believed his word but until I could fully see it it was hard to fully believe. Once we took the bed off it was a huge relief to see the frame was as solid as we thought. It still has original paint on it and isn't all rotten. I think I'm gonna take the extra step and fully re-finish it; scrape off all the dirt and rust and then give it a coat of POR-15, black Rustoleum spray paint, and then oil the living hell out of it so that it can hopefully last another 30 years.

Before I do all that I'll replace all the rear components that I need to like shocks, leaf springs, maybe brakes, and all that good stuff, then once that's done we'll get to work on the front end and painting the frame.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The End, But Not Really

The school year is basically over but this project isn't. This is me explaining where I am in terms of my oral exam and what my future plans are for the truck.
Sad Bye Bye Sticker by mrodilla for iOS & Android | GIPHY
In terms of my oral exam I'm about finished with preparing for it but I have a few finishing touches to add. I have plenty to talk about so that should go pretty great.

With my truck I have a lot more to do and I will continuously still be working on it. I'd like to still make blog entries just as a way to document my progress but we'll see if I'm able to keep updating this regularly. But, I pan on doing all the things I said I was going to. I'm gonna install all new suspension, brakes, and get it driving like its supposed to. Last week I purchased a bed for the pickup as well, I plan on getting that sandblasted, and repainted to match my red pickup. So once the truck runs and handles correctly it'll be time to repair the rust on the cab which isn't too bad hopefully.

What a Relief!

This weekend was the big day... taking off the wooden bed. Taking off the bed exposes most the frame and most of the components in the rear ...