Sunday, October 20, 2019

Is This All Realistic?

After doing most of the budgeting for this project its given an even stronger reason to believe that I can get this all done by the end of the year. I listed out all the parts and supplies I plan on buying, and its adding up to around $1,000 which is about what I was expecting when I bought the truck. Since its a Toyota parts are fairly cheap and thanks to a website called, I can easily order everything I need and have it shipped right to my doorstep. The project is also happening at either my house or my Dad's and that's great because I won't have to travel out of the way to make progress.

But it is possible for me to fall behind, mainly if there end up being more problems with the pickup then we realized or simply if me or my Dad get busy on the weekends or after school / work and fall behind schedule. Hopefully that wont happen though, both of us are pretty motivated to make progress. Plus luckily there are a handful of side projects that I can work on where I don't need help from a mentor.

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