Wednesday, November 13, 2019

A Short Update

Image result for an update
Where am I with things:
Last weekend we pulled the engine from our parts truck and started prepping it for installation. I'm hoping by the end of this week we'll be able to place it in the engine bay as long as the weather stays above freezing. Then next week I'll plan on steadily connecting the many hoses and wires so that it runs. Once we get the truck moving it'll be a huge step forward in the project and I can start focusing on the other issues like suspension, brakes, etc.

I haven't done a whole lot of reading yet but plan on starting Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance soon. I've mainly just been using Facebook groups and YouTube videos for guidance so far.

The only challenges lately have been the weather. Once snow falls its going to make work a lot harder but once the truck is back at my house I'm planning on setting up a heater in my barn and having that as my work shop. I don't have electricity out there but I'll figure out a way to run extension cords from the house.

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